I’m in a very lucky position. I’m not starving. I don’t have to use food banks. I don’t have much money coming in, but I have some money put-by when I had better days. I have a home, it’s warm and I have a loving family.
I’ve just been watching videos from people at food banks asking how they will vote on December 12th. Their comments are all based on “what can this party do better for me than another party?”. It’s that simple. Which party can help these poor people?
I don’t have to think this way. I can think about which party benefits society as a whole. I can think about which party can give money to help the poor, pay for the NHS, or decide what level of tax people and companies pay.
Some of my friends have lots of income, others have very little. Some of the high earners save for a rainy day, others spend like there is no tomorrow. They make themselves “poor” (in their eyes) because of the huge expenses they have to pay out as a result of their lifestyle. It’s their choice, so who am I to tell them what to do? It’s a free society.
But when my wealth friends (and let’s face it, they are wealthy – they just spend a lot) tell me that they cannot afford to pay a higher income tax, or feel wealthy people (like them) should not be forced to pay for the poor, the scroungers, the benefits frauds, then I get cross. When I hear that they have earned their wages and they should not have to pay more for others that have not worked hard enough, I get very cross.
I have always been happy to pay my taxes. I’ve declared all of my income even when I could have “kept quiet” about some additional earnings from podcasting came my way. I would be happy to pay more taxes. If we can shut down food banks because they’re not needed anymore I would be pleased to know it’s down to my tax – that’s the society I want my taxes to pay for.
So, if you, like me, are blessed by being “comfortable”, then think about what you want society to be. Think about whether it’s all about YOU, or whether you are prepared to fund a better life for OTHERS.
If you like that idea, then congratulations, you have become a socialist. Now you can vote Labour and get a caring government, with caring policies. Admittedly I’m voting tactically for the Liberal Democrats again this year, but that’s because I live in a part of the country where there are few people that think like me – and fewer act like me. Maybe one day my area will be socialist? Nah, who am I kidding.
I can still dream can’t I?