PCP#310… Shooting Stars..’

with tracks by… The Scare Bears, Mewgatz, UNITE, Vorn Doolette, Lola Dutronic, Afterspark, Josephine KNK Group, Grunemusik, Pope Joan, The Bankrobbers, plus an interview with Skye Riggs.

[wpaudio url= “https://m.podshow.com/media/2585/episodes/233706/pcpodcast-233706-05-29-2010.mp3″ text=”PCP#310”]

  1. Shooting Stars, by The Scare Bears . Meriden, Connecticut, USA.  [Jamendo]
  2. Interview with Skye Riggs at   GreenSkyeManagement.com.
  3. Beautiful World, by Lola Dutronic . Toronto, Berlin, Paris.
  4. Tic Tac, by Josephine KNK Group . Nouméa, New Caledonia.  [Jamendo]
  5. 49 Years Time, by Pope Joan. Brighton, England.

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All the artists featured on this podcast have had permission given for me to play their work.

This podcast is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 Unported License..

PCP#310… Shooting Stars..’2018-04-20T12:46:51+00:00

Made In Brighton…

Bit of an additional special this week. Every year Codger and Grumbler attend The Great Escape Festival in Brighton. This year there was a Made In Brighton stand in the convention centre, celebrating Brighton bands. We met up with a Nick and Rob on the stand and here’s the result…


Made In Brighton…2025-01-03T11:24:33+00:00
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