…and then two at once!
Like waiting for a bus, it’s all or nothing. Today, two arrive at once. There are two new EPs from Angel Dust Records and Broken Drum Records, both labels close to my heart, for obvious reasons!
Various Artists – Melodica Time, is a 4-track EP featuring some heavy stepper dub action from 4 of the best dubbists from the French online dub community. The first release from Angel Dust Records since the end of 2011. Good to see them back!
Thousand Yard Prayer – World Without End, is a 4-track EP from another of the alter-egos of the Secret Archives of the Vatican crew, over at Broken Drum Records. Hot on the heels of his 2002 release (!) Sympathy for Hosea, Thousand Yard Prayer gives us another 4-tracks of Transglobal Breakbeat Dub Science. Magic!
1,2,3,4…….and counting!
Angel Dust Records has been in existance three months today. That’s the day I purchased the domain and started getting all the tracks together for the first release. Three months later and today we release our 4th album. It’s been great fun, and I hope you get a chance to checkout the albums.
The big question is: who’s going to be the 5th release? If you are interested in releasing music via creative commons license, then please get in contact. Email: angeldustrecords@gmail.com.