Good Netlabels Compilation – Break Asymmetry

Good Netlabels has just celebrated it’s fourth anniversary and has released a compilation album:  Break Asymmetry. It’s a great collection of jazzy, abstract instrumental hip-hop, downtempo, chillout & trip-hop pieces.

My personal favourites from this 17 track collective include the album’s opener: Printempo’s “40000 words”, which is such a subtle groove, and leads into the excellent hip-hoppy “Booby Trap”, from Crookram. Bandfx gives us a delicious dubby, jazzy piece called “Babydub (VIP 2011)”.

Then there’s the excellent, and very quirky, “Story of sad human”, by B.R.O., which includes some lovely voice samples, and leaves you wanting more.

I’m still quite a n00b when it comes to abstract hip-hop, but this album is a good start for those of you like me, and I’m sure you’ll enjoy it.

[wpaudio url=”″ text=”Crookram – Booby Trap”]

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