Rewind… PCP#500… From The Archives (Part #1)…..

Another chance to hear the first of my two “final” podcasts from July 2015….. and of course I started the podcast again in May 2016!

From The Archives (Part #1)  …with tracks by… Louis Lingg and the Bombs, Slavic Soul Party, Dubmatix, Ranking Joe, Nate Wize, Honningbarna, Chinese Man, Jacco Gardner, Biting Elbows, Dub Addiction meets Kampuchea Rockers Uptown, Super Water Sympathy, LukHash, Angelo Taylor, Lola Dutronic, Nordic Giants, Tove Lo, Jackson Firebird, Dum Dum Girls, Swami, Robert Soko, Hollie Cook, Mokoomba, Deluxe, Plex Rock, Taiwan MC, Karoshi Bros.

  1. Destroy Civilisation, by Louis Lingg and the Bombs. Paris, France [Jamendo]
  2. Sing Sing Cocek (Robert Soko Remix) by Slavic Soul Party. Berlin, Germany. [Story Amp]
  3. Give Thanks & Praises (feat. Ranking Joe), by Dubmatix meets Nate Wize. Ontario, Canada. [Bandcamp]
  4. Dodtid (Downtime), by Honningbarna (Honey Children), Kristiansand, Norway.
  5. Miss Chang, by Chinese Man. France. [Chinese Man Records]
  6. Clear The Air, by Jacco Gardner. Amsterdam, Netherlands.
  7. Dope Fiend Massacre, by Biting Elbows . Moscow, Russia.  [Jamendo]
  8. Ganja Dub, by Dub Addiction meets Kampuchea Rockers Uptown. Phnom Penh, Cambodia. [Metal Postcard Records]
  9. Sunday School Dress, by Super Water Sympathy. Shreveport, Louisiana, USA. [In Music We Trust]
  10. 8 Bit No Tamashi, by LukHash . Poland.  [Jamendo]
  11. Starry Angel, by Angelo Taylor. Russia. [02]
  12. Everybody Loves You When You’re Dead, by Lola Dutronic. Berlin, Germany & Toronto, Canada. [Red Star Music]
  13. Shine (feat. Cate Ferris), by Nordic Giants . Brighton, England.
  14. Habits (Stay High), by Tove Lo. Stockholm, Sweden.
  15. 411 Positrac, by Jackson Firebird. Mildura, Northern Victoria, Australia.
  16. Bedroom Eyes, by Dum Dum Girls . California, USA.  [Sub Pop]
  17. Back It Up (Desi Mix), by Swami. UK [SwamiMusic]
  18. Buchalter Joint, by Robert Soko. Berlin, Germany. [Flip Switch]
  19. Tiger Balm, by Hollie Cook. Brighton, England.
  20. Njoka, by Mookoomba. Zimbabwe. [Story Amp]
  21. Superman (feat. Plex Rock & Taiwan MC), by Deluxe. Aix en Provence, France. [Chinese Man Records]
  22. Love The World, by Karoshi Bros. UK. [Myspace]

This podcast is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 Unported License.

Rewind… PCP#500… From The Archives (Part #1)…..2024-11-05T09:53:21+00:00

Rewind… PCP#335… They Think It’s All Over…. The Very Best of PCP (Part 3)…

Another one of my podcasts when I originally tried (and failed) to shut down PCP…

PCP#335… They Think It’s All Over…. The Very Best of PCP (Part 3)…with tracks by… Tilly and the Wall, Retrigger, Peanut Butter Disco, Visionary Underground, Microdub, MoShang, Binarpilot, Klutch, Beatmapper, Tanakasomething, My Toys Like Me, Trommelfisch, Voide, Max Pashm, Dunkelbunt, Agg Productions, Why Lout, Menduza Coincidencia, Lavinia Jones, Lola Dutronic, Mista Brown, Raggattack, Alionsonny, Pornophonique, Bitbasic, Chewrafa, Orange Peel Moses, Zoey Van Goey, Karoshi Bros.

  1. Beat Control (Tom Knight Remix), by Tilly And The Wall.Omaha, Nebraska, USA. [Team Love]
  2. Jeanie and Caroline, by Retrigger. Belo Horizonte, Brazil.[Jamendo]
  3. Beaver Attack Formation – Goodbye, by Peanut Butter Disco. Porto, Portugal / Greenville, IL, Portugal.[Promonet]
  4. The Power, by Visionary Underground. London, England.
  5. Das Internet, by Microdub.Mindelheim, Germany.[Jamendo]
  6. Dragonbeat by MoShang. Taichung, Taiwan.
  7. Penguin  (Rachel’s Theme), by Binarpilot. Norway. [Jamendo]
  8. Lovely Pipetuber, by KLUtCh. St Petersburg, Russia.[Jamendo]
  9. Red Turns to Blue, by Voide (feat. Pixiguts). Stockholm, Sweden. [Bandcamp]
  10. Klezmernaki, by Max Pashm. Brighton, England. [Myspace]
  11. Cinnamon Girl (Roskilde Edit), by Dunkelbunt. Vienna, Austria.
  12. Stammtischpolitik (feat. Lea-Won), by Agg Productions. Bayern, Germany.  [Jamendo]
  13. Boom! (Jazz It Up Mix), by Why Lout. Brixton, London and South East, England. [johnnynothing]
  14. Sin Enganche, by Menuda Coincidencia. Monterrey, Mexico.[Delhotel]
  15. Jamais Oubilee, by Lavinia Jones (feat. Ziad). Germany. [Jamendo]
  16. Brigitte Bardot, by Lola Dutronic. Berlin, Germany & Toronto, Canada. [Myspace]
  17. Inner Harmony, by Mista Brown. London, England.
  18. Diegojah, by Raggattack. Salt, Girona, Spain. [ReggaeDubWise]
  19. Alion Smoke Signal, by Alionsonny. Germany.[Versionist]
  20. Sad Robot, by Pornophonique. Darmstadt, Germany.[Jamendo]
  21. Fish Restaurant, by Bitbasic. UK. [rec72]
  22. Spacechip, by Chewrafa.Valencia, Spain. [Jamendo]
  23. Pussy Whipped, by Orange Peel Moses. Denver, Colarado, USA. [Promonet]
  24. Song To The Embers (Miaoux Mioux Mix), by Zoey Van Goey. Glasgow, Scotland.
  25. Fuck Da World, by Karoshi Bros. UK.[Myspace]

This podcast is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 Unported License.

Rewind… PCP#335… They Think It’s All Over…. The Very Best of PCP (Part 3)…2024-10-29T16:52:23+00:00

PCP#500… From The Archives (Part #1)…..

From The Archives (Part #1)  …with tracks by… Louis Lingg and the Bombs, Slavic Soul Party, Dubmatix, Ranking Joe, Nate Wize, Honningbarna, Chinese Man, Jacco Gardner, Biting Elbows, Dub Addiction meets Kampuchea Rockers Uptown, Super Water Sympathy, LukHash, Angelo Taylor, Lola Dutronic, Nordic Giants, Tove Lo, Jackson Firebird, Dum Dum Girls, Swami, Robert Soko, Hollie Cook, Mokoomba, Deluxe, Plex Rock, Taiwan MC, Karoshi Bros.

  1. Destroy Civilisation, by Louis Lingg and the Bombs. Paris, France [Jamendo]
  2. Sing Sing Cocek (Robert Soko Remix) by Slavic Soul Party. Berlin, Germany. [Story Amp]
  3. Give Thanks & Praises (feat. Ranking Joe), by Dubmatix meets Nate Wize. Ontario, Canada. [Bandcamp]
  4. Dodtid (Downtime), by Honningbarna (Honey Children), Kristiansand, Norway.
  5. Miss Chang, by Chinese Man. France. [Chinese Man Records]
  6. Clear The Air, by Jacco Gardner. Amsterdam, Netherlands.
  7. Dope Fiend Massacre, by Biting Elbows . Moscow, Russia.  [Jamendo]
  8. Ganja Dub, by Dub Addiction meets Kampuchea Rockers Uptown. Phnom Penh, Cambodia. [Metal Postcard Records]
  9. Sunday School Dress, by Super Water Sympathy. Shreveport, Louisiana, USA. [In Music We Trust]
  10. 8 Bit No Tamashi, by LukHash . Poland.  [Jamendo]
  11. Starry Angel, by Angelo Taylor. Russia. [02]
  12. Everybody Loves You When You’re Dead, by Lola Dutronic. Berlin, Germany & Toronto, Canada. [Red Star Music]
  13. Shine (feat. Cate Ferris), by Nordic Giants . Brighton, England.
  14. Habits (Stay High), by Tove Lo. Stockholm, Sweden.
  15. 411 Positrac, by Jackson Firebird. Mildura, Northern Victoria, Australia.
  16. Bedroom Eyes, by Dum Dum Girls . California, USA.  [Sub Pop]
  17. Back It Up (Desi Mix), by Swami. UK [SwamiMusic]
  18. Buchalter Joint, by Robert Soko. Berlin, Germany. [Flip Switch]
  19. Tiger Balm, by Hollie Cook. Brighton, England.
  20. Njoka, by Mookoomba. Zimbabwe. [Story Amp]
  21. Superman (feat. Plex Rock & Taiwan MC), by Deluxe. Aix en Provence, France. [Chinese Man Records]
  22. Love The World, by Karoshi Bros. UK. [Myspace]

Here are the previous attempts at shutting down PCP in December 2010…

  1. PCP#333… The End Is Nigh…. The Very Best of PCP (Part 1)…
  2. PCP#334… Spend A Little Time With…. The Very Best of PCP (Part 2)…
  3. PCP#335… They Think It’s All Over…. The Very Best of PCP (Part 3)…
  4. PCP#336… That’s All Folks!…Or Is It?…. The Very Best of PCP (Part 4)…

This podcast is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 Unported License.

PCP#500… From The Archives (Part #1)…..2018-04-20T12:44:38+00:00

PCP#335… They Think It’s All Over…. The Very Best of PCP (Part 3)…

with tracks by… Tilly and the Wall, Retrigger, Peanut Butter Disco, Visionary Underground, Microdub, MoShang, Binarpilot, Klutch, Beatmapper, Tanakasomething, My Toys Like Me, Trommelfisch, Voide, Max Pashm, Dunkelbunt, Agg Productions, Why Lout, Menduza Coincidencia, Lavinia Jones, Lola Dutronic, Mista Brown, Raggattack, Alionsonny, Pornophonique, Bitbasic, Chewrafa, Orange Peel Moses, Zoey Van Goey, Karoshi Bros.

  1. Beat Control (Tom Knight Remix), by Tilly And The Wall.Omaha, Nebraska, USA. [Team Love]
  2. Jeanie and Caroline, by Retrigger. Belo Horizonte, Brazil.[Jamendo]
  3. Beaver Attack Formation – Goodbye, by Peanut Butter Disco. Porto, Portugal / Greenville, IL, Portugal.[Promonet]
  4. The Power, by Visionary Underground. London, England.
  5. Das Internet, by Microdub.Mindelheim, Germany.[Jamendo]
  6. Dragonbeat by MoShang. Taichung, Taiwan.
  7. Penguin  (Rachel’s Theme), by Binarpilot. Norway. [Jamendo]
  8. Lovely Pipetuber, by KLUtCh. St Petersburg, Russia.[Jamendo]
  9. Red Turns to Blue, by Voide (feat. Pixiguts). Stockholm, Sweden. [Bandcamp]
  10. Klezmernaki, by Max Pashm. Brighton, England. [Myspace]
  11. Cinnamon Girl (Roskilde Edit), by Dunkelbunt. Vienna, Austria.
  12. Stammtischpolitik (feat. Lea-Won), by Agg Productions. Bayern, Germany.  [Jamendo]
  13. Boom! (Jazz It Up Mix), by Why Lout. Brixton, London and South East, England. [johnnynothing]
  14. Sin Enganche, by Menuda Coincidencia. Monterrey, Mexico.[Delhotel]
  15. Jamais Oubilee, by Lavinia Jones (feat. Ziad). Germany. [Jamendo]
  16. Brigitte Bardot, by Lola Dutronic. Berlin, Germany & Toronto, Canada. [Myspace]
  17. Inner Harmony, by Mista Brown. London, England.
  18. Diegojah, by Raggattack. Salt, Girona, Spain. [ReggaeDubWise]
  19. Alion Smoke Signal, by Alionsonny. Germany.[Versionist]
  20. Sad Robot, by Pornophonique. Darmstadt, Germany.[Jamendo]
  21. Fish Restaurant, by Bitbasic. UK. [rec72]
  22. Spacechip, by Chewrafa.Valencia, Spain. [Jamendo]
  23. Pussy Whipped, by Orange Peel Moses. Denver, Colarado, USA. [Promonet]
  24. Song To The Embers (Miaoux Mioux Mix), by Zoey Van Goey. Glasgow, Scotland.
  25. Fuck Da World, by Karoshi Bros. UK.[Myspace]

This podcast is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 Unported License. 

PCP#335… They Think It’s All Over…. The Very Best of PCP (Part 3)…2024-10-29T16:53:17+00:00
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