TDZ#170… 9th Anniversary Dub Selecta…..

9th Anniversary Dub Selecta .. with tracks by… Jahpapu, Akita Dub, Cocoa Tea, Bandulu Dub, Jerry Coox, Phoniandflore, Bass Culture Players, Art-X, Massive Dub Corporation (MDC), Globular, Panda Dub, DU3normal, Enzo Furiasse, The Dubbstyle, Aux1 DubSystem, Downbeat Dub, Higher Light, Jungle Weed, Trevor Goodchild, Dusza, Pidato, Leylo & Forestmind, Rootsteppa, Crazy Hertz, Sumac Dub, Vindubona, Shanai & Dahifi.

  1. 00:00:00  Cell-o-Dub (Suvorov riddim), by Jahpapu. Rostov on Don, Russia.  [Versionist]
  2. 00:04:07  Dub Attack, by Akita Dub. France. [Soundcloud]
  3. 00:07:51  Young Lover Dubplate (Ondubground Remix), by Cocoa Tea. Jamaica/France. [OnDubGround]
  4. 00:10:42  Cosmic Mystery, by Bandulu Dub ft. Jerry Coox. Key West, Florida. [Dan Dada Records]
  5. 00:13:59  Dub Vibration, by Phoniandflore. Nantes, France. [Sound Rising Records]
  6. 00:18:30  Youthman Version, by Bass Culture Players. Madrid, Spain. [Bandcamp]
  7. 00:22:38  Skanking Easy (Tribute To Augustus Pablo), by Art-X. Tours, France. [ODG]
  8. 00:25:46  From The End (ft. Art-X), by Massive Dub Corporation (MDC). Bourges, France. [OnDubGround]
  9. 00:30:51  Fractalicious Fantastifications, by Globular. Bristol, England. [Bandcamp]
  10. 00:39:07  Crazy World, by Panda Dub. Lyon, France. [Soundcloud]
  11. 00:44:05  Plastic Bones, by DU3normal. Budapest, Hungary. [Soundcloud]
  12. 00:47:27  Bloodfire (Trombone version feat. Enzo Furiasse), by The Dubbstyle. Mendoza, Argentina. [Dubophonic]
  13. 00:52:20  Quintana Dub, by Aux1 DubSystem. Texas, USA. [Versionist]
  14. 00:54:55  Jah Dub, by Downbeat Dub. Mendoza, Argentina. [Dubophonic]
  15. 00:58:20  Melodica We Seek (feat. Art-X), by Higher Light. France. [Bandcamp]
  16. 01:01:08  Diwali Is Coming, by Jungle Weed. Toulouse, France. [ODG]
  17. 01:04:31  Sannyasa, by Trevor Goodchild. Stuttgart, Germany. [Soundcloud]
  18. 01:07:43  Tarjar, by Dusza. [Soundcloud]
  19. 01:12:17  A Bit Too Much, Pidato. [Versionist]
  20. 01:15:43  Burn The Collie Weed (DU3normal Remix), by Leylo & Forestmind.Budapest, Hungary. [Maree Bass]
  21. 01:18:47  Digital Meditation , by Rootsteppa. Paris / Mulhouse, France. [Svaha]
  22. 01:25:11  Jahmuzikdub, by Crazy Hertz. France. [ODG]
  23. 01:28:58  Titania, by Sumac Dub. Grenoble , France. [ODG]
  24. 01:34:07  One Life (Vindubona’s Remix), by Shanai & Dahifi. Antwerp, Belgium. [Soundcloud] 

This podcast is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International (CC-NT-NC-ND 4.0) License

TDZ#170… 9th Anniversary Dub Selecta…..2018-04-20T12:44:33+00:00

TDZ#167… Spring Dub…..

Spring Dub.. with tracks by…Sumac Dub, Dusza, 3845 Dub HiFi, Phoniandflore, Dubmatix, SKaya, Pidato, Jahpapu., Shanai, Dahifi.

This podcast is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International (CC-NT-NC-ND 4.0) License

TDZ#167… Spring Dub…..2018-04-20T12:44:34+00:00

TDZ#166… One Dub…..

OneDub .. with tracks by…Jahpapu, Dubmatix, Kalina in Dub, Svaha Sound System, Bass Culture Players, Dr Remix, DVAnt, Pidato, Ylaow Dub.

This podcast is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International (CC-NT-NC-ND 4.0) License

TDZ#166… One Dub…..2018-04-20T12:44:34+00:00

TDZ#160… Cosmic Dub…..

Cosmic Dub .. with tracks by… Art-X, Massve Dub Coporation, Spcz, Manwell T, Hypnotix, Studio Bubny, PlusStepper, Michael Melody, Peter Chaves, Pidato, Radadub.

This podcast is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International (CC-NT-NC-ND 4.0) License

TDZ#160… Cosmic Dub…..2018-04-20T12:44:37+00:00

TDZ#156… Dub Friday…..

Dub Friday… with tracks by… Aux1 DubSystem, Boom One Sound System, Negritage, Curtis Geary, Archive Wah Wah, Dubbemo, Jahpapu, Pidato.

This podcast is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 Unported License.

TDZ#156… Dub Friday…..2018-04-20T12:44:43+00:00

TDZ#96… Backyard Dub…

With tracks by… Fekim, Dub One!, DubRifles, Bilou le Skankerfou, Phour Trakk, General Dubby, Sushidread, Pidato.

  1. Krus Kruss Dub, by Fekim. Barcelona, Spain. [Neblina Sound]
  2. Salsa In Dub! (Six Ova Four), by Dub One! Berlin, Germany. [Id.EOLOGY]
  3. Paciete Estable, by DubRifles. Uruguay. [ReggaeDubwise]
  4. Hobaringu, by Bilou le Skankerfou. France. [ReggaeDubwise]
  5. Voodoo Shop Dub, by Phour Trakk. Cologne, Germany.  [Id.EOLOGY]
  6. Universal Power Dub, by General Dubby. Germany. [ReggaeDubwise]
  7. Bohai Dub, by Sushi Dread.Conquereuil, France. [Aldente]
  8. Backyard, by Pidato. Berlin, Germany. [ReggaeDubwise]

This podcast is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 Unported License.

TDZ#96… Backyard Dub…2024-11-27T11:03:26+00:00
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