Inside The Podcast Factory

I thought you’d all like to see what the inside of Pete Cogle’s Podcast Factory looks like.

  1. The Music Arrives via special transport to the factory
  2. Here we see the various musical shapes being assembled
    • Note: the dub comes in nice round containers, dubstep in slighly more angular ones, and the boxes in the background are pre-packaged pop which is about to be sent back to where it came from.
  3. In the “talk” shows, this is where the “gas” is added
  4. The all important editing takes place here.
  5. Just before the podcast is released we add the extra “cool” to the podcast
  6. Finally this is how we ship the podcast to your iPod or MP3 player


Inside The Podcast Factory2018-04-20T12:46:42+00:00

New beats from Budapest

Been checking out the latest offerings from the  Budabeats netlabel, which, unsurprisingly, is a label based in Budapest, Hungary.  Some seriously curious music coming out of this label, so be warned! The next PC Podcast may have the weirdness turned up to eleven!

New beats from Budapest2018-04-20T12:47:12+00:00

New Density Of Sound

If you’ve not made time in your schedule for Density Of Sound in your podcast listenings then can I urge you to start with DOS#34 which came out last week. Truly an excellent listen!

New Density Of Sound2018-04-20T12:47:13+00:00

Tweet and Podcast with

Just experimenting with for tweeting music files of up to 10Mb.

I’ve tried other services such as and in the past. offers you the ability to re-use your files uploaded from other places, such as libsyn, youtube or soundcloud. offers you the ability to upload a whole track and creates an RSS feed, but without podcast enclosures. offers you full podcast enclosures, so you can plug the feed straight into iTunes, but 10Mb is limiting for music podcasters. Would be great for those submitting audio for NaPodPoMo this year though!

Also seems a better option for non-Iphone users than

Tweet and Podcast with twaud.io2018-04-20T12:47:13+00:00
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