PCP#453… Best of 2013…

Best of 2013… With Tracks By….Louis Lingg and the Bombs, Honningbarna, Heifervescent, Blek, Gaoler’s Daughter, Velociraptor, Super Water Sympathy, Skimmer, Liam Stewart, Radiomaniac, POST, Jacco Gardner, Natural Heights, Fiction 20 Down, Bilou Le Skankerfou, Dreadsquad, Afro Groove Collective, Dub Addiction meets Kampuchea Rockers Uptown, Dubmatix, Toxic Chicken, Backdraft, David Starfire, Swami,DJ Delay vs Jallabanda, Dub Gabriel, A Tribe Called Red, Krooked Drivers, Gaudi, Mahala Rai Banda, Hello, Psychaleppo!, Indidginus, BlakOPz, Block Dodger, Finnian, Wan Bushi, Dozer, Sedge Warbler, Blue Stahli, Insane Fennel, Tribal Soup, Secret Archives of the Vatican, , R. Lobster, Grünemusik, Kinematik VKE.

PCP#453... Best of 2013...
  1. 0:00:00  Bring It On, by Louis Lingg and the Bombs. Paris, France.
  2. 0:04:20  Dodtid (Downtime), by Honningbarna (Honey Children), Kristiansand, Norway.
  3. 0:07:17  Asleep At The Wheel, by Heifervescent. Stockport, England. [Jamendo]
  4. 0:09:56 Minus The Makeup, by Blek. Mumbai, India.
  5. 0:13:06  When We Were Young (Feat. ‘Steely’ Dan Monte), by Gaoler’s Daughter. London, England. [Strummerville]
  6. 0:15:56  Cynthia, by Velociraptor. Brisbane, Australia.
  7. 0:18:26  Sunday School Dress,by Super Water Sympathy. Shreveport, Louisiana, USA. [In Music We Trust]
  8. 0:22:09  Marmalade, by Skimmer. [A tribute to Crocodile God]
  9. 0:23:58  German Army Coat, by Liam Stewart. Yorkshire, England. [Blocsonic]
  10. 0:28:01  Gulliver (Side Effects Of Modern Psychotropic Substances), by Radiomaniac. Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk, Russia. [Southern’s City Lab]
  11. 0:31:17   Reset Me, by POST. Istanbul, Turkey. [Noiseist]
  12. 0:36:22  Clear The Air, by Jacco Gardner. Amsterdam, Netherlands.
  13. 0:39:57  Wake Me Up, by Natural Heights. California, USA. [IODA]
  14. 0:43:47  Down Like Hip-Hop, by Fiction 20 Down. East Coast, USA. [f20d.com]
  15. 0:47:37  Degueulasse Dub, by Bilou Le Skankerfou . France.[Jamendo]
  16. 0:51:04  Old’s Cool (Version), by Dreadsquad. Lodz, Poland.   [Soundcloud]
  17. 0:54:28  Chocot’, by Afro Groove Collective. New York, USA. [StoryAmp]
  18. 0:58:37  Ganja Dub, by Dub Addiction meets Kampuchea Rockers Uptown. Phnom Penh, Cambodia. [Metal Postcard Records]
  19. 1:01:56  Marcus Visionary Remix (feat. Luciano), by Dubmatix. Ontario, Canada. [Soundcloud]
  20. 1:08:23  Bad Bat Rave Cave, by Toxic Chicken. Bangkok, Thailand. [Soundcloud]
  21. 1:11:49  Skreamin Out Loud (feat. Ebere), by Backdraft. UK. [Exploding Art Promotions]
  22. 1:15:29  House Of Bhangra, by David Starfire. California, USA. [Six Degrees Records]
  23. 1:19:13  Back It Up (Desi Mix), by Swami. UK [SwamiMusic]
  24. 1:23:17  Baga Cumbia, by DJ Delay vs Jallabanda. Berlin, Germany.
  25. 1:28:09  No Lies (feat. M.C. Zulu) by Dub Gabriel. San Francisco, USA
  26. 1:32:01  Red Riddom, ft Eastern Eagle (Mi’kmaq), by A Tribe Called Red. Ottawa, Canada.
  27. 1:35:55  On The Line, by Krooked Drivers. Denver, USA.[Gravitas]
  28. 1:39:50  Why U Wanna Run (feat. Danny Ladwa), by Gaudi. London, England. [Six Degrees Records]
  29. 1:44:30  La Cherga (feat. Adisa Zvekic), by Mahala Rai Banda. Bucharest, Romania. [StoryAmp]
  30. 1:48:32  Eyes Improvise, by Hello, Psychaleppo! Aleppo, Syria. [hellopsychaleppo.com]
  31. 1:52:53  Follow We, by Indidginus . UK.
  32. 1:56:43  BlakOUt, by BlakOPz. Phoenix/Los Angeles, USA. [Gravitas Recordings]
  33. 2:02:36  Mothership (feat. Nuclear) by Block Dodger. London, England. [DrumNBass.net]
  34. 2:09:03  Clowns Im Boot (Zirkuszelt Version), by Finnian. Vienna, Austria. [Ringe Raja Records]
  35. 2:12:47  Crazy Accordeon Conny Bitch, by Wan Bushi[RRR]
  36. 2:16:39  Armed, by Dozer. Italy. [Ephedrina]
  37. 2:20:43  Codeine (Buck Rogers Remix), by Sedge Warbler.  Melbourne, Australia.[StoryAmp]
  38. 2:24:48  So So Bad (Mr Wesh Remix), by Blue Stahli. [Dubstep.net]
  39. 2:28:21   Glow, by Insane Fennel. St. Petersburg, Russia. [Generation Bass]
  40. 2:31:58  Masmoudi Dub, by Tribal Soup. Florida, USA. [Bandcamp]
  41. 2:35:01  Sinum, by Secret Archives of the Vatican. The Cronx, England. [Broken Drum Records]
  42. 2:40:58  To The Other Side Of Fractal Phase Space, by Globular. UK. [Ektoplazm]
  43. 2:50:41  Seismology, R. Lobster. Rome, Italy. [Sirona]
  44. 2:57:56  Lost Red Canal City, by Grünemusik. Germany. [Jamendo]
  45. 3:03:20  Grains Of Sand And Ocean Drops, by Kinematik VKE. USA. [The Inner Cinema]

This podcast is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 Unported License.

PCP#453… Best of 2013…2018-04-20T12:45:09+00:00

PCP#448… Box Of Delights…!

Box Of Delights… With Tracks By… Dualist Inquiry, The Alamo, Neurosignal, Mauri Candussi, SonicCube, PierrotheMoon, Tenor Fly, Dubmatix, SJ Mellia, Louis Lingg and the Bombs, The Union Pacific, Tribal Soup, Coins, Grunemusik, Cosmosman.

PCP#448... Box Of Delights...!
  1. Doppelganger, by Dualist Inquiry. India.  [Bandcamp]
  2. 24 Memories, by The Alamo. Australia. [Bandcamp]
  3. Impulse, by Neurosignal. Helsinki, Finland. [Bandcamp]
  4. Ship, by Mauri Candussi. Córdoba, Spain. [Bandcamp]
  5. Ambient Dub, by SonicCube.  Switzerland.
  6. Deep ‘n’ Dub, by PierrotheMoon. Germany. [Bandcamp]
  7. Show Down (feat. Tenor Fly) (BassBin Remix), by Dubmatix. Ontario, Canada. [Dubmatix]
  8. FluffSkull (Tech Mix), by SJ Mellia. UK. [Black Lantern]
  9. No One’s Illegal (live), by Louis Lingg and the Bombs. Paris. France. [Bandcamp]
  10. Changing Of The Guard, by The Union Pacific. Australia. [Bandcamp]
  11. Rasa, by Tribal Soup. Florida, USA. [Bandcamp]
  12. Volt Renfrew, by Coins. Toronto, Canada. [Bandcamp]
  13. Lost Red Canal City, by Grünemusik. Germany. [Jamendo]
  14. Radio, by Cosmosman. Hachinohe, Japan. [Bandcamp]

This podcast is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 Unported License.

PCP#448… Box Of Delights…!2018-04-20T12:45:14+00:00

TDZ#139… Dub Tribe…

Dub Tribe…with Tracks by….. Banda Zafenate, Dubmatix, Ranking Joe, King Opossum, Payoh Soul Rebel, Dr Remix, Tribal Soup, Negritage, Mexican Stepper, Yabass.

TDZ#139... Dub Tribe...

This podcast is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 Unported License.


TDZ#139… Dub Tribe…2018-04-20T12:45:15+00:00

DSZ#66… Dub 66…

Dub 66…..with tracks by….Nit Grit, Liquid Stranger, Glebstar, Tribal Soup, King Opossum, The Digital Connections, Blake, Addergebroed.

 DSZ#66... Dub 66...

This podcast is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 Unported License.

DSZ#66… Dub 66…2018-04-20T12:45:15+00:00

PCP#445… Gone Off The Wall!

Gone Off The Wall….. with tracks by…. Teck-Zilla, BlakOPz, Chuzausen, Trin Monsta, JRS, Tribal Soup, Zansa, Med Dred, Psychosonic, Phatoad, Picota, El-P, Twin Lizard V4 – Lost Transmissions, David Downey Jr., Texture, Bryan Scary and the Shredding Tears, Avida.

PCP#445... Gone Off The Wall!
  1. Boys Off The Wall, by Teck-Zilla. Montreal, Canada. [StoryAmp]
  2. BlakOUt, by BlakOPz. Phoenix/Los Angeles, USA. [Gravitas Recordings]
  3. Golden Tales, by Chuzausen. Madrid, Spain. [Enough]
  4. Stop Wait Look Listen, by Trin Monsta. USA. [StoryAmp]
  5. Asia is.., by The Warheads. San Francisco, USA. [Soundcloud]
  6. Masmoudi Dub, by Tribal Soup. Florida, USA. [Bandcamp]
  7. Mi Wa, by Zansa. Asheville, USA. [StoryAmp]
  8. Jahnoy (feat. Ted Sirota and Felix Dub Caravan), by Med Dred. Cyprus. [Dubophonic]
  9. Barbie Tech (Ghetto Kitsch Mix), by Psychosonic. Cologne, Germany. [Omaramusic]
  10. Monkey Style by Phatoad & Picota. Russia/Spain.  [drumnbass.net]
  11. Drones over BKLYN (censored mix), by El-P. Broolyn, USA. [Adult Swim]
  12. Nemesis (feat. David Downey Jr. & Texture), by Twin Lizard V4. UK. [Bandcamp]
  13. (It’s A) Gambler’s Whirl, by Bryan Scary and the Shredding Tears. Brooklyn.
  14. Avida Postmoderna, by Avida. Lima, Peru. [Dorog Records]

This podcast is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 Unported License.

PCP#445… Gone Off The Wall!2018-04-20T12:45:16+00:00
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