General chit chat and witterings

Internet Plumber 4 Hire!

Internet Plumber 4 Hire!

I think I might start advertising myself as an Internet Plumber. Why, well all the mess Google have created whilst they’re changing and the RSS feeds that were managed by Feedburner is causing leaks and blockages all over the place. Google should know better than fix something that wasn’t broken and now they’ve forced feedburner users over to the new feeds. Perhaps they want to take over from Microsoft as the software bullies these days?

If you do have an RSS feed that seems to have a blockage in it’s (yahoo) pipe or you’ve got your hands covered in XML grease and do’t know that to do then feel free to drop me a line… and I’ll get my wrench and see what I can do.

Reasonable rates, payable in beer!

Internet Plumber 4 Hire!2018-04-20T12:47:31+00:00

John Martyn dies at 60…

Music Legend John Martyn has died at the age of 60. Too young to die, but he had a pretty “active” life. I first heard John’s “Spencer The Rover” on a 1973 Island sampler album and was hooked. Sad loss to the music world.

John Martyn dies at 60…2016-10-14T09:29:54+00:00

Secred Blog and Podcast…

Checkout Vince Millett and Guy Cross’s new blog about the music business over at and get involved in the discussions of how an artist should promote, distribute and sell their music in today’s world.

Also checkout the Secret Archives Podcast at, hear some of their latest tunes and some of their influences for their constantly evolving sound.

Also checkout their new album Remembering Machine, which will soon be available as a download only release. Tracks appearing in PCP and TDZ over the next few weeks..

Secred Blog and Podcast…2018-04-20T12:47:31+00:00

Still searching for the G-Spot?

The G Spot Blues Podcast

Fear not!  The G-Spot has finally found, courtesey of the G-man, Mr Jeremy Gugenheim, and his new Blues podcast which has been launched here.

Of course you’ll want to subscribe to the podcast using RSS  or iTunes.

Still searching for the G-Spot?2018-04-20T12:47:39+00:00

Oooh ever so bold!

Codger and Grumbler come out of the closet!

A fine day was has by Messers Richard "Tricky" Doogan, Paul "Grumbler" Snelling and myself at the Bluebell Railway last Sunday. Involving lots of Steam and Beer.  Checkout MUMU#39 for audio next Sunday! 

Oooh ever so bold!2018-04-20T12:47:40+00:00

VU Live 2008

Checkout the latest video of VU live in 2008 here

VU Live 20082018-04-20T12:47:40+00:00

I’m A PC

So I saw my first "I’m a PC" advert on TV last night. Interesting to see that M$ have decided to fight back against the "I’m a PC, I’m A Mac" campaign with a degree of humour. Not bad, considering there was prescious little humour from the top when I was there.

Guess what?  I’m a PC, and I’ve been a PC since the early 60’s, much longer than MS-DOS, Windows, OS/X, Linux or any other operating system. My first taste of computers was in 1979 with punch cards and ticker tape. Yep, I’m a Codger.

I’m A PC2018-04-20T12:47:40+00:00

Off to the great gig in the sky…

The late, great, Rick Wright, of Pink Floyd

Wow! Just heard the sad news that Rick Wright, the legendary keyboard player of Pink Floyd, has died at the age of just 65. I, like many people, will have to play some of the Floyd collection this week by way of a tribute.  I never saw the band live, but in 1973 I bought three albums that changed my life:

  • Tubular Bells, by Mike Oldfield, which inspired me to believe anyone can make music
  • Autobahm, by Kraftwerk, which, along with Tangerin dream, gave me a love for electronic music, and
  • Dark Side Of the Moon, by Pink Floyd.

Still great pieces of music, but Dark Side of the Moon is still the most amazing piece of music.

Off to the great gig in the sky…2018-04-20T12:47:41+00:00

Join me on Linked In

View Pete Cogle's profile on LinkedIn

I’ve been updating my LinkedIn profile, so if you want to be linked in to my network of professionals, associates, IT folk, podcasters, or just friends then pop over to LinkedIn and say hello.

Join me on Linked In2008-09-18T11:44:32+00:00

This Modern Life?

Saw this the other day and thought, yes, that’s me. Need a break from the laptop for a while………

This Modern Life?2018-04-20T12:47:43+00:00

Never Mind the Balkans

Never Mind The Balkans

Been a great week for CD deliveries at Podcasting House. Received Max Pashm’s Never Mind The Balkans’s CD this morning and it’s bloody marvelous.  Going to be fitting a track from this into podcasts soon, you luck, luck people…!

Never Mind the Balkans2018-04-20T12:47:44+00:00

Jamendo’s 10,000 th album

It was October 19th last year when I blogged about Jamendo hosting it’s 5,000th album. Well it’s almost exactly 8 months later and Jamendo have made it to 10,000 albums on the site, all available via creative commons. Now that’s worth celebrating.

Help spread the word by digging this story.

Jamendo’s 10,000 th album2018-04-20T12:47:44+00:00

New AMP site…

New AMP Site

So been an interesting week for me. In my spare time I’ve been crafting the new home of the Association of Music Podcasters. We’ve been thinking about doing this for some time, but our old site crashed a couple of weeks ago and we had to take immediate action. The new site is much more of a "Web 2.0" interface and we hope our podcast listeners will come and join us by registering on the new site.

Hope to see you there!

New AMP site…2018-04-20T12:47:45+00:00

Coglosaurus Brittannicus…

One of my regular listeners, Jan., from Amsterdam, rather enjoys creating artwork and often sends me amusing images. This is the latest, which he emailed me with the comments:-

A couple of million years time, when future paleontologists dig you up, they will be in for a surprise. What a groovy set of bones!

Now I am reliably informed by my kids that "groovy" is no-longer a "hip" word. In fact, neither is "hip", "wicked" or "Daddy-O" (apparently), so what does that make Jan?

Keep sending in the piccies dude – loving it!   Anyone else want to join in the fun, drop me a line at

Coglosaurus Brittannicus…2018-04-20T12:47:46+00:00

Getting ready to escape….

Really starting to get excited about this year’s Great Escape Festival, after we had such a good time last year.  Let’s hope the weather holds out as well. Here’s some of the possible acts we’d love to see…..

There’s even the possibility of Little Man Tate!

Getting ready to escape….2018-04-20T12:47:46+00:00

Big In Japan…?

Just spotted this as an incoming link from, the label that has Kukudodo and Gumi on it.  I’ve no idea what it says, but it’s always fun to find that someone has blogged something about you, when you least expected it.

Big In Japan…?2018-04-20T12:47:46+00:00

Harry Potter And The Pasta Bake…?

Harry Potter And The Pasta Bake

Ever had one of those dreams where you wake up and you think "what was all that about?".  Well last night was one of those, involving Harry Potter in my house (probably doubling up for Hogwarts), various gorey battles with deamons and (this is the strange part) a cheesy pasta bake. Now I know some of the stuff I cook is a bit scary sometimes, but does a cheesy pasta bake really conjour up a vision of danger for the wizzarding world?

I do think that old J.K. should come back with an eigth novel in the series. My personal preference would be "Harry Potter And The Mid-Life Crisis", in which Harry, now pushing 50 and a veritable couch potato, takes up strange new hobbies (such as podcasting), goes off to gigs and laments the loss of his hair. Now that’s a plot I can relate to!

Harry Potter And The Pasta Bake…?2018-04-20T12:47:47+00:00

Mevio (that’s mee-vee-ooh)

Mevio, the new name for Podshow

Seems that my podcast network has decided to drop the "pod" name and go for a completely new name, focusing on being an "entertainment network" rather than a "download company". Hear more from co-founder Ron Bloom below.

Do I like the name change? Well I guess having a show called “PC Podcast” was pretty unimaginative anyway, but that’s what it is. It’s not going to be some video experience, and I do like audio podcasts. Guess I’ll have to wait and see how the name change settles in.

Mevio (that’s mee-vee-ooh)2018-04-20T12:47:48+00:00

The Full Codger

Thanks to the magic of Yahoo Pipes I can now offer you, dear listener, a more simple and convenient way to enjoy the podcasts that I create. You’ll see a link above called The Full CodgerThe Full Codger which gives you all the podcasts I create on my own, and in collaboration with others (such as AMPed or Made In The UK) in one simple RSS feed.

The Full Codger2018-04-20T12:47:55+00:00

You calling me a Lunt?


Having just listened to the The Grumbler mention the poor villagers of the village of Lunt in Merseyside, and the vandalism that keeps changing their road sign, spare a thought for the villagers of Grabowiec in Poland, who really do live in a place called "Ulica Obi-Wana Kenobiego" (Obi-Wan Kenobi Street).

Makes you wonder if this really was the street they were looking for?

You calling me a Lunt?2018-04-20T12:47:55+00:00

Drop It Doe Eyes!

If you look at the right hand side of the blogsite you’ll see a new feature called , which is a great idea I copied from Rowley Cutler over at Dark Compass.

If you’re an artist or a band and want to be considered for inclusion in the podcast then you can drop me an MP3 by clicking on the Add Files button and then clicking the Drop It! button when it appears.

It’s an easier way than email. Check it out below!

Drop It Doe Eyes!2018-04-20T12:47:55+00:00

Marketing Time!

So, thanks to the Grumbler, I’ve finally got my act together and created some marketing materials for the podcasts. So here they are, a business card and a flyer which we both intend to distribute amongst the adoring throng of fans (ok, for the bands, not for us) at the Great Escape Festival

There’s also some t-shirts as well, but I shall save the picture of that until Grumbler and myself are sporting the exotic apparel!

Marketing Time!2018-04-20T12:47:56+00:00

Getting away from it all…

Spent a rather find day away from it all with the Missus last Saturday. No podcasting, no work and no kids, just the two of us remembering more simple times when we first got together and had the odd evening or day up in London. Everyone say Ahhhh!

May seem strange to many city dwellers who may yearn for the countryside, but that’s what we have all of the time in our small village, so it’s nice to see "the Smoke" once in a while.

We took in a play; "Legal Fictions" by the late John Mortimer, followed by a wander through Covent Garden market and then dinner, followed by a gentle stroll along the Embankement. Nice to see the scaffolding and covers have come off "Big Ben" and see the enormity of the "London Eye" at first hand.

Must do it again sometime!

Getting away from it all…2018-04-20T12:47:56+00:00


I’m up on AMPed#119 again today. That’s the weekly digest of the Association Of Music Podcasting, featuring some great music such as….

    • Song: Better Take a Holiday (Homespun)

I’m on the BBC….!

OK, so I’m not hosting a late night music show a la the late great John Peel, but I’m on the intro/outro of the last couple of Pods and Blogs Podcasts for 15th and 18th March 2008. 

You too can join in the fun. Record a little intro (or outtro) something like…

  • "This is a download from the BBC. For more information visit our blog at"
  • "You’ve been listening to Pods and Blogs from the BBC. For more information visit our blog at"

…and then email it off to and you’ll, more than likely, get a thank you email from Chris Vallance who runs the show.

Go on, join in…… be the media!

I’m on the BBC….!2018-04-20T12:47:57+00:00

No more tea and podcasts….

And so, another podcasters "social network" has decided to close. This time it’s different and Pete and Emma Cooper, the site’s founders, have made the right decision, in my view. Pete and Emma started up T&P after the unpleasent demise of Britcaster. The britcaster site remains in place and still acts as a directory or "link farm" of new podcasts and episodes, but the forum was shut down after it all became rather unpleasent for it’s founders Neil and Jen Dixon.

Not a great fan of "dissing others in public" I was not a frequent poster at britcaster, and I’ve been pretty much the same at T&P, although T&P has been a fantasically civil place to hang out. As Pete has rightly pointed out the place is now just another "link farm" and is not really adding anything to the community, so it’s time to call it a day.

A big thanks to Pete and Emma for their efforts, and their typical humility encouraging everyone to head over to to see what happens there!

Maybe see you there?

No more tea and podcasts….2018-04-20T12:47:57+00:00

Clever Little Mag…

For those of you who havn’t heard (or bumped into) Gary Dring, or anyone else from Birmingham for that matter, then you’ll probably not aware of the excellent Clever Little Pod podcast. Well now you can get your hands on this madness for your eyes as well as your ears via Clever Little Mag magazine.

If, like me, you’ve chortled your way through The Framley Examiner and wanted a more regular addition to your readings whilst on the loo, then may I recommend this missive to tickle your humour buds!

* oh and by the way, as a fellow capricorn I would say that I’ve actually shacked up with a Virgo, not a Leo. Mind you, my sone is a Leo……. oh it’s all too complicated!

Clever Little Mag…2018-04-20T12:47:58+00:00

Getting me some versionist love…!



Big thanks to Ali (aka Lion Of Joppa Soundsystem) who told me about some of the posting going on about me (perhaps I should say "about I") at Great to see that these guys love podcasters as a promotional channel. I absolutely love the work these guys do and it’s so cool to see a dub theme be treated in so many different ways by so many dub masters. 

So, do me a favour and head over to and checkout some of the fantastic music!

Getting me some versionist love…!2018-04-20T12:47:58+00:00

Notes from the Podding shed….

Been a weekend of two halves so far. Firstly the terrible weather on friday night ripped the felting off the shed roof, so DIY Dad (not seen round these parts recently) came to the rescue and I was up on the roof sticking and tacking down a new one by tea time!

More interestingly I finally got myself a proper mixer and mic for the "studio".Mixer is a behringer 1204FX which is a bit over the top for my current needs, but better to "think big" I reckon. The mix is the "podcast standard" Samson C-3 and I’ve got a pop-guard and stand to make life a little easier.

Still using "PodProducer" for the actualy podcasting and still using the min-jack as input (rather than USB or firewire) but maybe this will change over time.

Still got some of the weekend left, which I will be spending (a) ironing (deep joy) and (b) as roadie for my son and his drum kit. Lookout Horsham- here we come!

Notes from the Podding shed….2018-04-20T12:47:59+00:00

Which came first…. life or podcasting…?

Saw a variation of the picture above and had to make my own copy. I like the idea of still listening once I’m gone.

Have I ever told you I love podcasting?

Which came first…. life or podcasting…?2018-04-20T12:47:59+00:00

Fuck Grapefruit!

One of the guys in the office just told me about and this rather wacky cartoon. Remember your 5 fruits and vegetables per day folks!

Fuck Grapefruit!2018-04-20T12:47:59+00:00

The Acorn Is In the Pot…..

And in case you are wondering what on earth this means, you’re going to have to go over to the pcpodcast site or have a listen to PCP#205 aren’t you!

The Acorn Is In the Pot…..2018-04-20T12:47:59+00:00

How I went and saw Los Campesinos again down in Brighton, and someone said “They sound exotic, do they come from South America?”, and I said “No, Cardiff”.

Hang On Now Youngster!

Ok, so the post title is a joke. If you know Los Campesinos, you’ll know they like using long sentences. Good on them, I say!

So, another great performance in Brighton yesterday. This time at the (slightly larger) Concorde2 venue. I was a little surprised that the place seemed a little empty when I arrived. First on the bill were Esiotrot (that’s Tortoise spelled backwards!) who I’ve heard of, and had a couple of good tracks. Then were Johnny Foreigner, who I know are playing the Great Escape Festival in May and who were good, but a little over-mic’ed and difficult to hear clearly.

LC, were as good as last time, when they played Brighton Komedia, and I definitely got the impression the bands naiivety is starting to wear off. Definitely more "rock and roll" than last time, and a lot more alcohol being consumed by Gareth. Was that really a bottle of wine going down there youngster?  Let’s hope they don’t fall victim to their own success.

I reckon they’re going to go down a storm at the Festivals this summer. Check them out if you get the chance!

How I went and saw Los Campesinos again down in Brighton, and someone said “They sound exotic, do they come from South America?”, and I said “No, Cardiff”.2018-04-20T12:48:00+00:00

Things are going to get wicked around here…..

Just been having a chat with Deshi Volanti, station manager of Wicked Radio, which streams out of Edgerton, Wisconsin in the US. Like my other podcasting buddies, Pauly B at Punky! Radio and Rowley over at Dark Compass Deshi has agreed to carry both PC Podcast at The Dub Zone on his station soon.  I know Pauly and Rowley both have a strong punk/metal aspect to their shows, and this is what Wicked Radio often features, but lets hope the listeners like it. More news here and on the podcasts as it comes in.

Things are going to get wicked around here…..2018-04-20T12:48:00+00:00

Academy Mobile Day on youtube

The Academy Mobile Day Videos are now available on youtube in 5 sections. Here is the link to the playlist for all 5 videos….

Academy Mobile Day on youtube2016-10-14T09:30:36+00:00

Video from Academy Mobile Day

The Video of our talk at Microsoft’s Academy Mobile Day is now available below. I hope you enjoy it!

Video from Academy Mobile Day2008-02-11T09:25:16+00:00

PC Podcast Promotional Video

I’ve finally got round to creaing a promotional video for PC Podcast on BTPodshow and Hope you like it…

PC Podcast Promotional Video2016-10-14T09:30:36+00:00

Podshow shindig in London…

Off up to London today for a BTPodshow shindig.  Surprisingly I’ve never been to one of these before. There was the (now ledgendary) beer and darts meet-up a couple of years ago when they were scouting for talent, and then another meet-up sometime last year which I could not attend. I suspect they’re going to show us all the Podshow.V3 goodness, which may indeed be goodness, or an overengineered confusing mess of a website. OK, so I’m a fan of the Keep it Simple Stupid approach to websites, and the first thing I want to see on a podcasting site is the RSS feed, which is really hard to find at

Anyway it’s a chance to meet up with a few others, inclusing Rowley Cutler, Neil Dixon and Pete Cooper, so should be a laugh!

Podshow shindig in London…2018-04-20T12:48:00+00:00

MUMU – Music and Mumblings…


Now who’d have thought it, that my old friend, Mr Paul (The Saint) Snelling (aka The Grumbling Dragon) would finally break his duck and record his first podcast?  Well it seems that a days outing with a wail of other podcasters, (Grumbler and the Wailers, perhaps?) has finally persuaded him to record his first, which you, can find here, or (better still) subscribe to here.

The old fart has made rather a fine attempt at the genre, putting my first attempts truly in the shade, and I hope there will be many more from the grumbling stables!

He does mention that MUMU may stand for:-

But having looked for an appropriate image to decorate this blog post I’ve found that MUMU leads you to:-

Now, the grumbler has been described in many ways, and I’m absolutely sure that the female genetalia have been involved, but I rather like the image of the dog…… small, obedient, well trained, quiet and unlikely to bite. 

ps. what does oxymoron mean?

MUMU – Music and Mumblings…2018-04-20T12:48:00+00:00


Binge Thinking History Podcast

Whilst most of the Podcasts I listen to are either music or tech related, there is one that simply does not fit into that box, and that honour belong’s to my colleague, Tony Cocks, who presents BTHP, the Binge Thinking History Podcast.

I’ve always loved history, although have usually found myself asleep in the chair at some unearthly hour of the morning, with the chosen history book on my chest, rather than what I’d hoped was an exciting read. Now I just let Tony do the hard work for me (no, not the sleeping, fool) and allow him to provide me with an audio digest of history at it’s most complex in bite size portions that even I can understand.

May I encourage you, dear reader, to pop along and subscribe to the podcast (for free). Tell him I said hello!


A wail of podcasters….

A wail of podcasters?

So what is the collective noun for a collection of podcasters? Well, Mr Snelling, the Grumbling Dragon himself (who, of course wishes his blog to remain anonymous at suggested that as the collective noun for Whales is a "pod" perhaps the reverse should apply and a collection of podcasters should be known as a "whale" "wail".

And so this small (but perfectly formed, I’m sure you’ll agree) wail of podsters set forth into London to drink, the chat, to marvel at technology these days….. and to drink. What happened next was recorded both in both audio and picture format, and may come to light on a PCP near you soon. That is of course, providing the good audio editing fairy doesn’t throw the whole lot away as meaningless piffle.

Anyway, for those keen to see the "faces good for radio" that turned up we have (L-R): Rowley Cutler from Dark Compass, yours truly, Peter Clitheroe, who is suffolk ‘n’ cool, Colin Gazeley who’s ourobouros podcast contains some infinitely good music, and the old ligger himself, Paul (The Saint) Snelling.

A wail of podcasters….2018-04-20T12:48:01+00:00

Baby Jesus…innit..!!

So here we are again. ’tis the season to be jolly and all that (innit!). Well at least some Brits are no longer in Iraq and hopefully soon the meddling Americans will leave there as well. 2008 will be upon us soon and I will soon be a year older. Ah well…. have a shufty at the following video and cheer yerself up…!”

Baby Jesus…innit..!!2018-04-20T12:48:03+00:00

Bleat Sweets!

Feeling decidedly “Bah Humbug!” about this year’s Christmas celebrations, and not 100% sure why. The missus suggested that as my parents are not coming down to see us this year, I’ve lost the “organization” or “planning” I need to do – and for a control freak such as myself, this is serious! Perhaps that’s true, perhaps I’m just getting grumpier in me old age.

Bleat Sweets!2018-04-20T12:48:03+00:00

Facebook for old folk?

Pension... book

So my kids tell me they’re going to be “cool” when they get to be grandparents. So how “cool” is “cool” and just how connected will we be in the post-facebook world? Will I still be podcasting as a grumpy old man? Strike that. Will still be podcasting as an even older even grumpier man? Hope so!

Facebook for old folk?2018-04-20T12:48:04+00:00
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