PCP GoDaddy Discount Codes

Between 15th July and 31st August we have another GoDaddy discount code for you to use:

25% off GoDaddy order £65 or more – use checkout code pete25 (valid between July 15th and August 31st, 2009)

In addition to the new codes which don’t have a time limit:

10% off any GoDaddy purchase not already discounted – use checkout code pete7

20% off GoDaddy order £35 or more – use checkout code pete8

30% off .COM domains from GoDaddy – use checkout code pete9

To use your discount coupon codes, all you need to do is click on the appropriate code above, and the selected discount will be automatically applied to your shopping cart on checkout.

Alternatively, you can make a note of the codes and enter one of them into the shopping cart at checkout. Don’t forget to bookmark this page in your browser so you can come back and grab the codes in the future. Our voucher codes can be used again and again.

There are lots of alternative GoDaddy coupon codes out there. Pay a visit to our own special coupon code offer site MevioOffers.com, and check out all the offers and codes available – new offers are being added all the time!
