Much applauding can be heard in the marshes today, as Peter Clitheroe, probably the most eastern podcaster in the UK, celebrates 5 years of his phenominal podcast Suffolk ‘n’ Cool. Clithers has had some weird and wonderful music and guests on the show over the years (but enough about me!) and if you want to take a walk down memory lane then have a listen to SnC Episode 1.
It’s a little know fact that the reason Messers Clithers and Codger first became friends was because
- Their initials are both PC
- They started podcasting within a day of each other
- They both played a track called Galatasaray, by The Maido Project, in the same week
- So they met up for a beer (Adnams, naturally) in Southwold (possibly the first ever podcrawl)
…and the rest, as they say, is history. Although their musical tastes haven’t always run true, Clithers still does manage the occasional “first play” of a track Codger had lined up for a future show! Oh dear, dear, dear….
If you have a glass of Adnams nearby, please join me, raise it and salute our friend of around 1.9m and a cheery wave! Happy Birthday SNC
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Aw shucks Codger. That almost brings a small tear to the Why Aye.
I think I’ll drag that old Twin Pete’s nonsense out of the archives and give it an airing tomorrow.
We’re SO looking forward to hearing what the all new PCP with added bi-poly-phosphate zing has in store for us.
Thanks mate. A small glass of Broadside soon?
Oh yes the suspense is killing all of you (I hope). This is either going to be the greatest idea since podcasting began or…. quite simply…. the same old nonsense!
Either way I have been away too long and I have waaay to many weird and wonderful tracks to share with the 15 people for whom I’m famous on the internet!