I’ve been thinking about this for ages, but it’s taken a spot of cajoling from the likes of Clithers and my son, Mikey, to finally kick me into action: I have started a netlabel.
Two weeks ago, I registered the domain, started building the site and contacting some of my favourite artists. Since then I’ve figured out where the releases should be posted, how the music gets uploaded, sorted out creative commons licenses and legal agreements and BOOM! ….. the first release from Angel Dust Records has been released today.
[adr-001] Various Artists – Dust Particles, Volume One is a 6 track EP featuring some of my absolute favourite dub and dubstep tracks. You can download it today from Angel Dust Records and, over the next few days, I’ll be releasing it via other online sources.
A big thanks to Dr Remix, Mastermind XS, Baby Arm Sound System, Phoniandflore, 303db and Secret Archives of the Vatican for taking this leap of faith with me. Special thanks to Vince Millet (from SAotV) for the excellent artwork.
I hope you, the listener, will enjoy the first release. I’m now on the lookout for more artists for [adr-002]. If you have a recommendation, please drop me an email: angeldustrecords@gmail.com.
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