In 2016 it was a matter of hours after the referendum before the Leave campaigners told that the “Let’s spend £350M on the NHS” slogan on their bus was a lie.
One day after the election Tory MP Damian Green was on LBC saying that we all need to start paying towards an insurance type system to pay for our care. A couple of days later Tory MP Nicky Morgan has said that the 50,000 ‘more’ nurses will take over 10yrs to reach and none will be in place before 2024.
All politicians tell us lies, half-truths and messages that are meant to make us hopeful and forward looking, but honestly, we’re going to see that the entire Tory list of promises are lies.
I’ve spend the weekend “in reflection” (and also in the pub with Clithers and Ro, which was marvellous!). I’ve acknowledged that I’m now living in some social media “leftist” bubble that has done nothing to prepare me for such a Tory majority. I need to get out more. I need to understand the views of the people physically around me.
Agreed, in my constituency 53.3% of the voters are true blue. But 24.3% are Liberal Democrat with an 11.6% swing, which I helped to create. It’s going to be a tough story to hear. There’s going to be a lot of xenophobia and an awful lot more of people that are “good intentioned” and yet still voted for Boris the Bastard.
But as I’ve said before, I’ve always been in the minority, and that will never change. I just need to make sure the people that voted for the Tories see every lie exposed every broken promise shouted from the rooftops. I want to, hold these bastards to account.
I was bloody mad and I’m still bloody mad.
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