PCP#685… Burgertime!

PCP#685… Burgertime!

Burgertime…with tracks by…Lapinpolthajat, Lost Moonshiner, Nongoma, The Anthronauts, Bassey, Vedan Kolod, Ron Zakrin,  Larkabo, The Charade, Gull, Gun Power.

  1. Syvemmälle Pimeään, by Lapinpolthajat. Finland. [Mindblasting]
  2. Moonshine, by Lost Moonshiner. Aosta, Italy. [Nazca Vibes]
  3. Bully Boys In Power (feat. Nongoma), by The Anthronauts. Switzerland. [NYP Records]
  4. Touched, by Bassey. Nottingham, England. [Bandcamp]
  5. Witch, by Vedan Kolod. Krasnoyarsk, Russian Federation. [StoryAmp]
  6. Burgertime, by Ron Zakrin. Detroit, Michigan, USA. [Equal Recordings]
  7. Bla bla bla, by Larkabo. France. [La Souterraine]
  8. Keeping Up  Appearances, by The Charade. Stockholm, Sweden. pcp#255 28th Feb 2009)
  9. Burning Shoals, by Gull. Richmond, Virginia, USA. [Bandcamp]
  10. Top Ranking (Discomix), by Gun Power. Moscow, Russia. [Dubophonic]

This podcast is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International (CC-NT-NC-ND 4.0) License 

PCP#685… Burgertime!2021-02-25T15:54:56+00:00

PCP#684… Bunnyrabbits, Grumbler, Clithers and Ro…

Bunnyrabbits, Grumbler, Clithers and Ro…with tracks by…Guns’n’Gänseblümchen, Groupe Mostla, tAngerinecAt, Stark Effect, Technoval, Correspondance, Salih Korkut Peker, Zinguala, Süperfly Orkestr, Afrika Mamas, Bagagee Viphex13, Pierre Blanche, Konrad Dycke.

  1. Waiting Song, by Guns’n’Gänseblümchen. [Bandcamp]
  2. Éternelle, by Groupe Mostla. [La Souterraine]
  3. Something Broke Inside, by tAngerinecAt.
  4. Bunnyrabbits Satan Cheese And Milk, by Stark Effect.
  5. Skank Town, by Technoval. [Technoval]
  6. On & On, by Correspondance. [Bandcamp]
  7. Artik Sevmeyecegim (feat. Salih Korkut Peker & Zinguala), by Süperfly Orkestra. [NYP Records]
  8. Tshelamina, by Afrika Mamas. [StoryAmp]
  9. Better In The Raw (Original Mix), by Bagagee Viphex13 & Pierre Blanche. [Korpus 9]
  10. Alhena, by Konrad Dycke. [Sheppa?tøn]

This podcast is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International (CC-NT-NC-ND 4.0) License 

PCP#684… Bunnyrabbits, Grumbler, Clithers and Ro…2021-02-20T13:10:05+00:00

PCP#339 Rewind… Welcome To The Gnawa Zone…

PCP#339 Rewind… Welcome To The Gnawa Zone… with tracks by… Tinariwen, Texture, Ahmed Nasr & Ihab Saleh, Secret Archives Of The Vatican, Singletrack, Nicola Lionfish & Talking Dog. Plus discussions about Marrakech, BDR Dancefloor and t’ing. Plus some traditional Gnawa music recorded live in our Riad.

  1. Traditional Gnawa Music, recorded live in the Riad, Marrakech.
  2. ABC Dub, by Nicola Lionfish. Naussau, Bahamas. As dubbed by Talking Dog. Aberystwyth, Wales. [Noteasyatall].

This podcast is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 Unported License.

PCP#339 Rewind… Welcome To The Gnawa Zone…2024-10-29T16:59:44+00:00

PCP#683… Dandelion….

Dandelion… with tracks by… Murgula, Dekula Band, Jade Leary, Nick R 61, Wonderflu, Secret Archives of the Vatican, Moseh Drummist, VBS, C Wyne Nalukalala, Ancient Astronauts, Mitoma, Weldroid ,JFrank.

This podcast is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International (CC-NT-NC-ND 4.0) License 

PCP#683… Dandelion….2021-02-05T09:27:11+00:00

TDZ#230… Blue Dub…..

Blue Dub… with tracks by… Aki Mittoo, Hummingbird, Shanti-K, Gaudi , Dub Pistols, Dubmatix, Thomas Anton, Dub Machinist, Feldub, Globular, Geoglyph,  Jabbadub, R. Smith, Rubi Du, Rod Taylor, Ondubground, Kaly Live Dub.

  • 00:00  Feuillemort Dub (feat. Aki Mittoo), By Hummingbird. [Greenbeats]
  • 03:24  Botanical Dub, by Shanti-K. [Dubophonic]
  • 07:11  Blue Monday Gaudi Dub, by Dub Pistols v Dubmatix. RDX Promo]
  • 10:23  Mad World (feat. Thomas Anton) (Dub Machinist Dub Version), by Feldub. [ODG]
  • 13:56  The Observatory, by Globular & Geoglyph. [Bandcamp]
  • 22:42  Rootsman Dub, by Jabbadub. [ODG]
  • 27:22  LockUp (R. Smith Stepping Dub Mix), by Rubi Du. [RDX Promo]
  • 32:09  Smoke Up Remix (feat. Rod Taylor), by Ondubground x Kaly Live Dub. [ODG]

This podcast is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International (CC-NT-NC-ND 4.0) License

TDZ#230… Blue Dub…..2021-02-03T14:46:24+00:00
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