PCP#313… No Football No Cry…

with tracks by…  The Parents, Freddy Locks, Aries4rce, Kool Savas, Agua De Ras Band, Zoe Leela, Aruba Red, Lamax, Vorn Doolette, The Versionaries, Trash80

  1. You’re Hideous Baby, by The Parents. Sheffield/Derby, England. [Music Alley]
  2. Human Beat, by Freddy Locks. Portugal.  [Promonet]
  3. Techno Pilot (Aries 4Rce BeatZ Remix), by Kool Savas feat. Olli Banjo.  [Jamendo]
  4. Adrelina Kinky, by Agua De Ras Band. [Jamendo]
  5. Departing Myself, by Zoe Leela.Kreuzberg36, Berlin, Germany. [rec72]
  6. 42 Days, by Aruba Red. London, England.
  7. Walking On Clouds, by Lamax. Omsk, Russia. [Jamendo]
  8. Orange Dress, by Vorn Doolette. Australia.
  9. Open Eyes, by The Versionaries. Bondai Beach, New South Wales, Australia.  [Promonet]
  10. Ava, by Trash80. San Diego, California, USA.

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