PCP#297… Podcastasomething…

PCP#297… Podcastasomething…

With tracks by….Sklatasangs, Los Campesinos, Citizen Sound, Tanakasomething, La Tarrancha, Soap Company, Dan Whitehouse, Cloak And Dagge, Earlyw~rm, Els Minima,  Baga Sound System.

  1. Ska, ska, ska… Sklatasangs!, by Sklatasangs. Valencia, Spain. [Jamendo].
  2. There Are Listed Buildings, by Los Campesinos. Cardiff, Wales.
  3. Wa-Do-Dub (feat. Ammoye), by Citizen Sound. Ontario, Canada.
  4. Colorless, Coherence, by Tanakasomething (Grünemusik). [Jamendo].
  5. La Palabra Lliberta, by La Tarrancha. Anguilla, Spain. [Jamendo].
  6. We  All Feel The Same Pain (Soap Company Remix), by Dan Whitehouse. Wolverhampton/Croydon, England.
  7. Night (Cloak And Dagger Remix), by Benga & Coki.
  8. Do The Wrm, by Earlyw~rm. Ontario, Canada. [ReggaeDubwise]
  9. El Dia Que Dante Va Baixar A L’infern, by Els Minimal. Catalonia. [Jamendo].
  10. Baga Jungle 2010, by Baga Sound System. Tuzla, Bosnia and Herzegowina. [ReggaeDubwise]

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