PCP#434… Seeing Red!

PCP#434... Seeing Red!

Seeing Red!… with tracks by….Super Water Sympathy, Captain Planet, Los Chicharrons, M.C. Zulu, Dub Gabriel, Marla Mase, DubRaJah, Secret Archives of the Vatican, Louis Lingg and the Bombs, Aerologic, POST, Koby Israelite, R. Lobster, Tiburk, Dreadsquad, Cian Finn, Bella Ruse.

PCP#434… Seeing Red!2018-04-20T12:45:27+00:00

PCP#432… Grumbledown Farm!

PCP#432... Grumbledown Farm!

Grumbledown Farm!….with tracks by….Soncall, David Starfire, Nicolas Repac, Secret Archives of the Vatican, King Opossum, Citizen Sound, The Easton Ellises, Natural Heights, Marla Mase, DYnASTY, Waitapu, Quanta, Le Sang, Trenchant Dubs, 311, Psymbionic,The Funnel Heads.

PCP#432… Grumbledown Farm!2018-04-20T12:45:27+00:00
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