PCP#377… The Crux Of The Biscuit…

with tracks by … Prototype, Dj Delay, Allison Weiss, Swampyboy, Corty, Revolushan, Sans Blanc, DJ Kiva, Lord Cry Cry, State Shirt, X Darawish.

  1. Life As Myth, by Prototype . Russia. [Jamendo]
  2. Gypsytronic (DJ Delay Sambatronika rerub), by Dj Delay. Berlin, Germany. [Generation Bass]
  3. I Was An Island, by Allison Weiss. Brooklyn, New York, USA. [Free Music Archive] [Breitband]
  4. My Favourite Dinosaur, by Swampyboy. Exeter, England. [Sociopath]
  5. New World Order – Part I, by Corty (feat. Revolushan). Rennes, France. [Angel Dust Records]
  6. Modluv, by Sans Blanc[Free Music Archive]
  7. Tayyib, by DJ Kiva. New York, USA. [Destroy All Concepts]
  8. Step Nuthin’, by Lord Cry Cry. Berlin, Germany. [Generation Bass]
  9. Computer, by State Shirt. Los Angeles, California, USA. [Free Music Archive]
  10. Bomba Nuceare, by X Darawish. Bari, Italy. [Free Music Archive] [Breitband]

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