Preparing for TGE 2012

This year the Great Escape folks seem to be investing in some rather nifty technology, which makes the whole business of working out who to see and what they sound like much easier. Many the time Grumbler and I have poured over the program to find that “Band X comes from wales” or sound like “the bastard love child of Lady Gaga and Kurt Cobain” or other such nonsense.

This year, I’ll be clicking on the image below!

Preparing for TGE 20122018-04-20T12:45:46+00:00

Bands from TGE 2010

Thought I’d better document which bands we saw at The Great Escape. More for my own terrible memory than anything else. Lookout for tracks in podcasts soon….




Bands from TGE 20102018-04-20T12:46:51+00:00
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