PCP#398… 6 Of The Best…

PCP#398… 6 Of The Best… with tracks by… Daybreak, Dead World Leaders, Systyle, Santah, Barbacoa, Orange Peel Moses, KaeoFLUX.
  1. PCP#20, 29th April 2006. Alarm, by Daybreak. Sheffield, England. (Daybreak later changed their name to Dead World Leaders)
  2. PCP#130, 28th April 2007. Linstru, by Systyle. Grenoble, France.
  3. PCP#214, 26th April 2008. Gandharvaloka, by Santah. Russia.
  4. PCP#261, 25th April 2009. Hammerhead, by Barbacoa. Burlington, Vermont, USA.
  5. PCP#306, 24th April 2010. Pussy Whipped, by Orange Peel Moses. Denver, Colarado, USA.
  6. PCP#348, 30th April 2011. Aristokratia, by KaeoFLUX.

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