With Tracks by…Agg Productions, GodManWho, Dr Shota, Mos Dub, Kou Chou Ching, Lucid Music, Lavinia Jones, Texture, Sripnik & Phonsen, Trenton & Free Radical.

  1. Rap Highlander, by Agg Productions. Bayern, Germany.  [Jamendo]
  2. What’s New, by GodManWho. UK. [Blacklanternmusic]
  3. Recipes, by Dr Shota. Russia. [Jamendo]
  4. Johnny Too Beef, by Mos Dub. Produced by Max Tannone. [MosDub]
  5. Black Heart, by Kou Chou Ching. Taiwan. [PMN]
  6. Showtime, by Lucid Music. Pittsburgh, Pennslyvania, USA.
  7. Jamais Oubilee, by Lavinia Jones (feat. Ziad). Germany. [Jamendo]
  8. Distance, by Texture. UK. [Blacklanternmusic]
  9. I Who Have Nothing, by Sripnik & Phonsen. Flensburg, Bonn, Germany. [Jamendo]
  10. Sunless Sundays, Trenton & Free Radical. London, South Africa.

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