My time as holder of the Personality category in the European Podcast Awards has gracefully now come to an end. The 2011 award winners were announced this morning and the awards for the categories go to…
- Blick über den Tellerrand (See The Bigger Picture) won the German National and the European Business Category.
- Answer Me This! Conratulations! You’ve won the UK National and the European Professional Category.
- Esta peli ya la he visto (This Movie I saw) Conratulations! You’ve won the Spanish National and the European Personality Category.
- The Faroe Islands Podcast Conratulations! You’ve won the Danish National and the European Non-Profit Category.
Really great news for all concerned. Over 1million votes cast this year, which just goes to show podcasts are clearly still as important as they ever were.
And there was a fantastic showing from our old friend, Rowley Cutler from Dark Compass, DCMS, Made In The UK and AMP, who won the UK National award for Personality Category, for the Dark Compass Podcast.
I’m going to try and hook-up with Rowley for a chat this evening, which will go into this week’s PC Podcast.
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