PCP#635… Random….

Random…with tracks by… Wonderflu, Nitty Scott, Ryan Herr, The Polish Ambassador, Nous III Ensemble, Kwisatz Haderach, Colour Me Wednesday, Pharroh House, saQi, Secret Archives of the Vatican, Tahir Qawwal, Temple Step Project, Lang, Adam Balusik, Aleckat, Hynamo, Giuseppe Paradiso, Deserved, Chump Change.

  1. Random, by Wonderflu. Paris, France. [Bandcamp]
  2. Angelita (feat. Nitty Scott & Ryan Herr), by The Polish Ambassador. San Francisco, California, USA. [Jumpsuit Records]
  3. We Hope The Weather Will Continue, by Nous III Ensemble. USA. [StoryAmp]
  4. Endless Karavan, by Kwisatz Haderach. Russia. [Intox Noise]
  5. Tinfoil, by Colour Me Wednesday. UK. [Bandcamp]
  6. Broken Castles (feat. Pharroh House) (Remix), by saQi. California, USA. [Jumpsuit Records]
  7. Overseer of the Manicurists in the Palace of King Niuserra, by Secret Archives of the Vatican. Croydon, England. [Broken Drum Records]
  8. Allah (feat. Tahir Qawwal), by Temple Step Project. Melbourne, Australia. [Fusion Netlabel]
  9. Attraversando, by Lang. Rome, Italy. [Strato Dischi]
  10. Felix, by Adam Balusik. [Tachyon Netlabel]
  11. Apollo, by Aleckat And Hynamo. Australia. [DigitalDiamonds]
  12. Metropolitan Sketches, by Giuseppe Paradiso. Bari, Italy. [StoryAmp]
  13. East (feat. Deserved), by Chump Change. Honolulu, Hawaii, USA. [Yarn Audio]

This podcast is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International (CC-NT-NC-ND 4.0) License 

PCP#635… Random….2020-02-11T14:26:16+00:00

PCP#633… Troubled Water….

Troubled Water…with tracks by… The Wrong Sister, Tunnelvisions, The Dead Amigos, Secret Archives of the Vatican, Krude Mischung, Kolya Manyu, Deserved, Chump Change, Sedo, Dadala, Zoungla, Braincoat, Agomi, Dub Cmd, Inaequalis.

  1. Dilemma, by The Wrong Sister. France. [Bandcamp]
  2. Rain Dance, by Tunnelvisions. Amsterdam, Netherlands. [Atomnation]
  3. Hold Out, by The Dead Amigos. Melbourne, Australia [Bandcamp]
  4. Uruk, by Secret Archives of the Vatican. The Cronx, England. [Broken Drum Records]
  5. Dealer, by Krude Mischung/Kielobot. Göppingen, Germany. [Music Brause]
  6. Everyday, by Kolya Manyu. Tolyatti, Russian Federation. [Fusion Records]
  7. Footage (feat. Deserved), by Chump Change. Honolulu, Hawaii, USA. [Yarn Audio]
  8. Dark Pool, by Sedo. UK. [Skalator Music]
  9. Dwfttw, by Dadala. USA. [Pan y Rosas Discos]
  10. Homage To The Dub Masters, by Zoungla.Montreal, Québec, Canada. [Ektoplazm]
  11. Make Believe (feat. Braincoat), by Agomi. Bay Area, California, USA. [Lost Frog]
  12. Cycle Dub, by Dub_Cmd. North East, UK. [Bandcamp]
  13. Crash, by Inaequalis. [Classwar Karaoke]

This podcast is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International (CC-NT-NC-ND 4.0) License 

PCP#633… Troubled Water….2020-02-11T14:23:34+00:00
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